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Sales Concepts, Inc. | Westlake, OH

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Jodi Lombardo


“Our closing rate had averaged about 12%. My goal was to raise it to 15%. After starting the classes, our closing rate rose to 25%.”

After class one I was like, “Wow, I don’t know anything.” Even with as much as I’d accomplished in sales in the past. My sales staff didn’t have any formal sales training. Putting them through this process really helped them learn the steps they need to take and it helped them become more organized. To give you a benchmark, before Sales Concepts, our closing rate had averaged about 12%. My goal was to raise it to 15% by the end of 2016. After starting classes, our closing rate rose to 25%, and we have one sales person whose average rose to about 34%. I mandate that my sales staff go to training at least once a month. Some go more often. They also do a lot of coaching calls. I have them call prior to having a phone call or a meeting with prospects to set goals, to identify what they want to accomplish, and to make sure they say things the right way. They also do follow-up calls to get feedback and to learn what they might have done differently. If anything, the support Sales Concepts provides afterward is even more important than the classes themselves. The rewards you reap are tremendous